Vision: That the CLI-CNMI will provide a compre-hensive range of services which will make it possible for the people with disabilities to live as independently as they choose within the community.
The Federally-funded CLI-CNMI started in 2001 as a satellite office for the Hawaii Cen-ter for independent living. Ms. Lydia Igitol was approached by the Hawaii Center to begin the process of becoming an inde-pendent agency. By June of 2004 a group of interested individuals along with Ms. Igi-tol, formed a council to oversee the process establishment. In May 2005 the Center be-came the newly established CLI-CNMI with a Board of Directors.
USDA-AMS is establishing cooperative agreements with states, territories, and federally recognized tribal governments for the purpose of supporting local, regional, and underserved farmers and producers through food purchases with the LFPA funds. These cooperative agreements will allow recipients to procure local and domestic foods that are unique to their geographic area and meets the needs of their population. Underserved communities will be the priority for distribution of the foods purchased through the program.
The Veteran Directed Care (VDC) program is a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans Health Administration) and the Center for Living Independently in the CNMI (CLI-CNMI).
The VDC program allows eligible veterans of any age the opportunity to receive personal care services in their homes. Family or friends can be paid to provide that care if a Veteran chooses.