Gallery: June 2022

 Center for Living Independently consumers learn how to bake at Kensington

CNMI Center for Living Independently took 45 of its consumers on a field trip to Kensington Hotel Saipan Friday to learn how to bake.  Hotel pastry chefs Haena Kim, Sohyun Lim, and Daizy Choi provided the recipe and demonstrated how to make madeleines, as the 45 CLI consumers watched closely.  Madeleines are small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being backed in a pan with shell-shaped depressions.  The CLI consumers gathered in a group and had opportunities to whisk eggs, mix flour and baking powder, and pipe batter into the madeleine molds.  Once completed, they were able to bring home the madeleine cakes they made.