Veteran-Directed Care (VDC)
The Center for Living Independently in the CNMI is proud to share its collaboration with the Hawaii Veteran Affairs to have the Veteran-Directed Care (VDC) Program to serve our Veterans in the CNMI.
The Veteran-Directed Care (VDC) is a program for eligible Veterans, funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, to support veterans to direct their own long-term services so that they can live independently in their home and community. VDC supports Veteran’s self-direction to decide on the services, supports, and goods that they may need. The VDC program allows eligible veterans of any age the opportunity to receive personal care services in their homes. Family or friends can be paid to provide that care if a Veteran chooses. CLI staff work with eligible Veterans to manage their monthly budget to purchase necessary goods and services such as:
- In-home personal care
- Homemaker services
- Caregive support
- Transportation reimbursements,
- Assistive devices,
- Laundry services,
- Yard services.
Eligibility for the program:
Veterans must be enrolled in the VHA and meet VA eligibility requirements. Veterans must see their VA primary care provider to prepare and submit the referral to the Hawaii VDC Coordinator who will determine eligibility in the program.
This program has been made possible by the unrelentless support and partnership with Senior Consultant of the Lewin Group Roger Auerbach, the team at Hawaii Veteran Directed Care (VDC) of the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System, the team at The Independence Center in Colorado Springs, the Premier Financial Management Services, and the Office of U.S. Congressman Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan. CLI greatly appreciates the individuals who have advocated for this program to start so that Veterans in the CNMI can receive the care that they need.
Contact CLI or your local VA primary care provider if you have any questions regarding the VDC program.